Wild side

Celebrate open access and walk on the wild side to explore the spirit of the uplands and the passion of the Peak District.
The freedom to roam brought large parts of the Peak District’s wilder landscape within reach of walkers, climbers, runners and wildlife enthusiasts, allowing visitors to wander at will without keeping to public paths and opening up a new world to be explored inside Britain’s first national park.
Passing through vast open areas of wild landscape knowing that at any point it is possible to head off on foot to discover these areas is liberating. The lure of the moors and wild heights is an inspiration to many. These areas are important for their wildlife and habitats.
The public has a right of access to about 500sq km of Access Land in the National Park. This includes moors, heaths, commons, unimproved hills and dalesides and land above 600m. On this land you will come across the wilder parts of the National Park; much of the land is unenclosed giving a feeling of escape and exploration and the views are far-reaching.
There is a history of access in the Peak District. The campaigns for access contributed towards the setting up of the UK's first National Park and open access. Open access was introduced by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 in the Peak District on 19 September 2004. Sometimes open access land is referred to as CRoW land in recognition of the legislation that gave us these rights.
An event was held to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the introduction of open access.