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Green fields highlighted by sunrays through heavy clouds from Curbar Edge

Member Information

There are around 30 members of the National Park Authority; these comprise those are appointed by county, district, city or borough councils and those 'National Members' who are appointed directly by the Secretary of State; typically because they are specialists in the issues that affect the national park. Others are parish councillors.

Key Member roles include:

Chair: Mr Ken Smith, Deputy Chair: Mr James Berresford.

Planning Commitee chair: Mr Patrick Brady, Vice chair: Mrs Ginny Priestly.

Performance & Resources (P&R) Commitee chair: Prof. Janet Haddock-Fraser, Vice  chair: Mr Charles Greaves.

Our members come from a range of backgrounds and offer a wealth of knowledge and experience. What they all share is a passion for the Peak District National Park.

See a list of current members and their contact details below.

How members work

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