Advice about planning

Do I need permission?
You may be surprised what you need permission for. Digging a pond, creating a mound, putting up a satellite dish or building a raised patio may all require planning permission. We recommend you contact us for advice if you intend to:
- use a digger
- employ a builder
- change the use of a building
- put up an advertisement
Read our general guidance: Do I need planning permission?
Questions and answers
We have written a list of commonly asked questions and answers. You may find an answer to your query. If not, please don't hesitate to contact us for advice.
Read the questions and answers.
Pre-application advice service
Our pre application advice service for householder extensions and alterations resumed on Mon 7 October 2024.
Please take a look at our pre-application advice FAQs section.
From week commencing 7 October a revised fee schedule is in operation.
Planning application forms
Here you will find the full range of application forms for your proposal.
Renewable energy
Before you consider installing a renewable energy device, we recommend that you are saving energy before you start generating it. Read our general guidance about renewable energy.
We have also written a list of commonly asked questions and answers about the planning permission required for renewable energy devices. Find out more about renewable energy and planning.
Conservation areas
Special rules apply to conservation areas. Planning officers take an area's special character into account when considering a planning application.
Find out more about planning permission in conservation areas.
Listed buildings
You will need consent to demolish a listed building or for any alterations or extensions which would affect its character as a building of architectural or historic interest. Applying for listed building consent process is very similar to the normal planning process.
Find out more about planning permission for listed buildings.
Top five tips
- Get advice from our team as early as possible in your project.
- Remember each case is different and each property has a different planning history.
- Give us as much information as possible (including drawings, maps, plans, photos, measurements).
- We can only offer you good advice if we have all the correct information.
- Remember that we are here to help you; last year, we approved 88% of applications.