Development Management Policies

Part 2 of the Local Plan for the Peak District National Park, which we are calling the Development Management Policies (DMP) document and includes a Policies Map, will guide and manage development across the National Park alongside our adopted Core Strategy up to 2026 and replaced the remaining policies in the Local Plan adopted in 2001.
Plan Adopted
On 24th May 2019 the DMP document was adopted at the Authority Meeting and therefore came into effect from this date.
- Final Adoption Version of the DMP document
- Policies Map with guidance notes
- Adoption Statement
- Inspectors Report
- Sustainability Appraisal Report
- Sustainability Appraisal Addendum
Paper copies of the above documents are available to view at the locations outlined on page 25 of the Authority's Statement of Community Involvement.
Examination Background
24th April 2019
The Authority has received the Planning Inspector's final report, which concludes that the DMP document can be found sound subject to the inclusion of a number of main modifications. These modifications, as well as a number of earlier additional modifications, relating to typographical errors, have been incorporated into a final adoption version of the DMP document. The Policies Map which was originally consulted on, along with previous Policies Map modifications, will be adopted as part of the DMP document. The DMP document is proposed for adoption at the National Park Authority Meeting to be held on 24th May 2019.
7th December 2018
Following the Hearing sessions and the Inspector’s Interim Views, the Authority prepared main modifications to the plan. These were available for interested parties to comment on until 5pm on Monday 28th January 2019. Please see details here.
6th June 2018
Following the Hearing sessions in May, the Inspector's Interim Views are available as ID10.
17th May 2018
The Inspector's Agenda for the Hearings is now available.
14th May 2018
ID04b Draft Programme (version 3) has now been published
9th May 2018
The Hearing Statements are now available in the Examination Library
4 May 2018
Now added ID05 Letter from the Programme Officer to Representers regarding ID04.
30 April 2018
ID04 Draft Programme (version 2) has now been published.
27 April 2018
ID04 Draft Programme (version 1) has now been published. Please note this is a draft document which will be updated as the Examination progresses.
10 April 2018
The Inspector (Mr. Nick Palmer BA (HONS) BPI MRTPI) has confirmed that the hearing sessions will commence on Tuesday 22 May 2018 and are expected to continue until Wednesday 30 May. The hearing sessions will take place in the Board Room at Aldern House (main offices of the Peak District National Park Authority) in Bakewell, DE45 1AE.
28 March 2018
The Programme Officer has written to all representors regarding the publication of ID01 The Inspector’s Matters Issues and Questions and ID02 The Inspector’s Guidance Note. Also available is ID03 The Programme Officer’s Initial letter to Representors.
The Inspector
The Secretary of State has appointed Inspector Nick Palmer BA (Hons) BPI MRTPI to conduct the examination to determine whether the Development Management Policies document is sound and complies with all the legal requirements.
All correspondence with the Inspector must be made through the Programme Officer (see details below).
The Programme Officer
The administration of the examination is arranged through the appointed Programme Officer, who is an independent officer of the Examination, working under the Inspector's direction.
Examination Library
The Examination Library contains a list of documents submitted for examination and background documents which have informed the production of the following:
- Publication version of the DMP document
- Policies Map (for incorporated modifications see the interactive version (currently unavailable) )
- Main modifications addendum
- Additional modification addendum
It also contains documents relating to the examination, and will be updated as the examination progresses.
As outlined in the Statement of Submission (publication pending), printed copies of the submission documents can also be inspected at the Authority's main offices at Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell, DE45 1AE (9:00am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday). Please make prior arrangement for viewing these documents on 01629 816303.
Plan Submitted
Following the consultation stages, the published version of the Development Management Policies Document and Policies Map, along with an addendum of modifications, was submitted to the Secretary of State on 19 February 2018.
The plan will be examined by an independent Inspector to assess whether the document has been prepared in accordance with the Duty to Cooperate, legal and procedural requirements, and whether it is sound. A sound plan should be:
- Positively prepared – the document should be prepared based on a strategy which seeks to meet objectively assessed development and infrastructure requirements. This test will be presented in the context of the appropriate restraint on development anticipated by the statutory purposes which affect National Parks.
- Justified – the document should be the most appropriate strategy when considered against reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence;
- Effective – the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities; and
- Consistent with national policy – the plan should enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with policies in the National Planning Policy Framework.
Consultation stages
Consultation on the Issues and Preferred Approaches (2012)
The Authority ran a consultation on the issues and preferred approaches for the DMP following a range of other meetings and conversations with parishes, housing bodies, farmers land owners and other strategic partnerships affecting the national park.
The preferred options consultation closed on 17 December 2012.
Consultation on DMP document (2016-17)
The Authority ran a consultation seeking views on the legal compliance, compliance with the Duty to Cooperate and the four tests of soundness of the publication version of the DMP document.
Responses have been broken into two files: DMP responses part one (pp 1-200 - 5MB) and DMP responses part two
(pp 201-393 - 18MB).
The publication consultation ran from 18 November 2016 to 27 January 2017.
Consultation on the modifications to the published DMP document (2017-18)
Following the consultation on the publication version of our Development Management Policies in January 2017, the Authority decided to make a number of changes (modifications) to the plan both to improve its clarity but also to respond to many of the points arising.
Before submitting the plan to the Secretary of State the Authority decided to re-consult to give representors the chance to consider the proposed modifications. This consulted on an initial schedule of modifications addendum and modifications to the submitted Policies Map.
The modifications consultation ran from 13 November 2017 to 12 January 2018.
Consultation on Main Modifications (Dec 2018)
Following the completion of the hearing sessions into the DMP document and Policies Map, which took place during May 2018, the Authority published for consultation a schedule of modifications to the published version of the DMP document.This modifications consultation ran from Monday 10 December 2018 until 5pm on Monday 28 January 2019.