Validation Guidance

The following guidance notes are provided to assist you when submitting a planning application to us. You should refer to the Local Validation list that sets out the information you must submit with an application. Other information may be required by us in order to consider your proposal. The guidance below should help you if that information is requested by a member of the Development Management team.
Planning policy information can be found in the Core Strategy or the Development Management Plan documents.
- Agricultural development and farm diversification
- Biodiversity Net Gain
- Biodiversity surveys and reports
- Built environment and archaeology
- Change of use of shops, community services and facilities to a non-community use
- Flood risk assessment
- Foul sewerage and utilities assessment
- Landscape impact assessment and preparing a photomontage
- Lighting assessments
- Nutrient Neutrality
- Noise impact assessment
- Practice Note: Policy DMH1 - New Affordable Housing Size Thresholds
- Sustainability Statement CC1
- Transport assessments, transport plans and parking
- Tree survey/arboricultural implications
- Ventilation and extraction systems