Neighbourhood planning

Neighbourhood plan
Parish councils or neighbourhood forums can produce plans which become part of the statutory development plan for the National Park. They are important legal documents which, along with the Authority’s own development plan, are used by planners to make decisions on planning applications.
A neighbourhood plan can:
- develop a shared vision for a place
- indicate where new development may be located
- identify and protect important local green spaces
Parish councils or neighbourhood forums also have the option to produce a 'Vision Statement' for the neighbourhood plan area. Whilst a neighbourhood plan doesn't have to include a vision and objectives, it can help structure the plan. A vision statement sets out the broad vision for the area, to include a series of statements which describe what a neighbourhood plan area would be like at the end of a plan period.
Neighbourhood development order
A neighbourhood development order enables a parish council or neighbourhood forum to grant planning permission for certain types of development in certain locations, removing the need to submit a planning application to the National Park Authority.
Thinking of writing a neighbourhood development plan or order?
Ellie Faulder, our Community Policy Planner can help.
telephone: 01629 816268