Design Guide

These documents describe the kind of design detailing that individual property owners and businesses should aim to follow, in order to enable positive changes and adaptations to buildings that respond well to the built heritage of the National Park.
- Design Guide (2007) (6.1Mb)
- Building Design Guide (1987) (a technical supplement to the 2007 Design Guide) (6.8Mb). Please note this file is a scanned image from 1987 so cannot be read out by screen readers.
An accessible version of the Building Design Guide (1987) (8MB) is available however the accuracy of its conversion from the scanned image cannot be guaranteed. - Detailed Design Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) for Alterations and Extensions (5.1Mb)
- Detailed Design Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) for Shop Fronts (5.4Mb)
- Glossary of Terms (184Kb)
Village Design Statements
The following documents were prepared by local communities in conjunction with the National Park Authority. They have been adopted as supplementary planning documents:
- Bonsall village design statement (2003) - this is only available as a paper copy, please telephone 01629 816200.
- Loxley Valley design statement (2004)