
A popular excursion along the beautiful River Dove to its famous Stepping Stones at the foot of Thorpe Cloud.
Access for All
Distance: 640 m to the stepping stones
Nearest Facilities: Dovedale Car Park and Izaak Walton Hotel
- At the car park entrance, take the road marked by a vehicle restriction sign
- Follow the river to the Stepping Stones.
- Dovedale Route Map (351KB)
Elevated views from the Izaak Walton Hotel.
Getting there
Start at Dovedale Car Park via Thorpe and the A515.
Ordnance Survey grid reference: SK 1465 5095
Postcode: DE6 2AY
Do you know?
- The Peak District’s best-known dale and its ‘Princess of Rivers’ was first made famous for its fishing by writers Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton in 1653.
- Dovedale’s picturesque scenery was popularised by the Romantic Movement and its fame established by railway tourism and guided donkey trips from the Stepping Stones.
- In the 1930’s, a campaign was launched to make Dovedale Britain’s first National Park.