Core Strategy

Local Development Framework Core Strategy
The Local Development Framework Core Strategy 2011 sets out the vision, objectives and spatial strategy for the national park, and core policies to guide development and change in the National Park to 2026.
The Core Strategy was examined by an independent inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, including hearing sessions in April 2011. The Inspector's Report was received on 15 July 2011. The Core Strategy was formally adopted by the National Park Authority on 7 October 2011, and incorporates the binding recommendations of the inspector.
Please note that the Local Plan 2001 was superseded by the Development Management Policies (DMP) Document in May 2019 and therefore references to saved Local Plan policies in the Core Strategy should now be directed to the DMP document (as outlined in para. 2.7 of the Core Strategy).
You can download the documents below:
- Core Strategy (full version)
Errata Note:
For the Core Strategy, Section 15 Accessibility, travel and traffic. On page 127 of the Core Strategy an entry in the spatial outcomes list states: "The A268 Tintwistle bypass route will not be protected;". The road number is incorrect and should be replaced so that the entry reads: "The A628 Tintwistle bypass route will not be protected;".
Information note:
The validity of criterion C of policy CC2 (Low Carbon and Renewable Energy Development) has been questioned by a number of interested parties, including a Planning Inspector following an appeal in 2013 (see Annual Monitoring Report for 2012/13 for further details). Paragraphs 9.1.13 and 9.1.14 of the updated SPD for Climate Change and Sustainable Building have been inserted to clarify the relationship of core policy CC2 to national policy. See the Climate Change SPD for greater clarification.
- Inspector's report (full version) (144KB)
- Inspector's report: Appendix A (2.4MB)
- Inspector's report: Appendix B (579KB)
- Adoption notice (23KB)
- Sustainability appraisal adoption statement (26KB)
- Core Strategy policy check for consistency with the National Planning Policy Framework (257KB)
Hard copies of the following documents are available for inspection free of charge at libraries and deposit locations in and around the National Park from 17 October 2011. Alternatively, printed copies of the Core Strategy are available at a cost of £6 (£7.50 including postage and packing) by contacting the Customer Service Team.
Peak District National Park Authority
Aldern House
Baslow Road
Bakewell DE45 1AE
Telephone: 01629 816 200
Evidence base
The Local Development Framework Core Strategy 2011 is supported by a number of evidence base documents. The National Park Authority refers to these in its Core Strategy, and will continue to do so as planning policies are revised and updated.
- View the list of evidence base documents.