The application process

The following questions and answers are designed to guide you through the application process. You may also find it useful to read our guidance on the decision-making process.
- What happens when we receive your application?
- What if I have made a mistake on my application?
- What happens during a site visit?
- Can I follow the progress of my application?
- How do I speak in favour of my application?
- Who is responsible for talking to interested parties?
- How long does it take to reach a decision?
1. What happens when we receive your application?
We check your application to make sure:
- the form has been completed correctly
- you have provided the correct fee
- all associated documents have been provided
We will write to tell you (or your agent) within seven working days that your application has been formally registered. We will also tell you the name of the planning officer who will be dealing with your application.
2. What if I have made a mistake on my application?
We will return your application to you (or your agent) if you have:
- made a mistake
- not provided correct or sufficient information
- not paid the right fee
We will always write to tell you (or your agent) how you can correct your application.
A correctly completed application and fee will be registered and acknowledged within seven working days.
3. What happens at a site visit
The case officer may have to visit the site of the proposed development.
Due to the number of applications we receive, planning officers will not usually agree a specific appointment to make a site visit. However, if access to the site is not possible without specific arrangements being made, please make this clear in the relevant part of the application form.
A site visit is an opportunity to inspect the site and assess the application proposed against national and local planning policies. Where relevant, the case officer will take photographs to help in the assessment.
If the case officer has not made any previous arrangement and upon visiting the site considers that it is necessary to enter the property, they will knock on the door unannounced and kindly request whether that would be possible. If that is not convenient or appropriate at the time they will seek to make alternative arrangements for a future site visit date if necessary.
4. Can I follow the progress of my application?
Information about all applications is available on our website, but you can only check the progress of your application by phoning our customer service team on 01629 816 200.
We are working to provide an online tool for tracking applications, but this is not yet available.
5. How do I speak in favour of my application?
You (or your agent) can speak in support of your application before a decision is made. This only applies to applications that are decided by the planning committee.
- You will be allocated three minutes to speak.
- You may be asked questions by members of the planning committee after you have spoken.
- All speakers must comply with our public participation scheme.
- Both objectors and supporters of an application can speak.
If you want to arrange a time slot to speak at a planning committee, please contact:
Democratic Services
Telephone: 01629 816 362 or 01629 816 382
6. Who is responsible for talking to interested parties?
The planning officer assigned to your application will make sure it is correctly advertised and all the necessary people are consulted. This may include:
- Parish councils or parish meetings
- Neighbours
- Local authorities
- The local highway authority
- Other interested parties
7. How long does it take to reach a decision?
The majority of applications are decided within eight weeks of being registered. We decide most major applications within 13 weeks.