Have your say

You can take an active part in decisions that affect you and your community. You can have your say in a number of ways.
Comment on an application
Anyone is entitled to comment on a current planning application either to support or object. If you are thinking of commenting on an application, it is important that you are aware of the law regarding confidentiality, anonymity, valid reasons for objecting and impartiality.
If a planning application is revised or resubmitted, consultation responses are not carried forward to the new application. If you wish to have your say on the new application you need to submit your comments again.
We publish the Statement of Community Involvement, which relates to a wide range of planning consultations, including policy and planning applications.
Find out how to comment on an application.
Reasons for objecting
We can only take into account planning policies and certain reasons for objecting when we consider a planning application. These are often called "material considerations". There are some objections that we cannot take into account. These are often called "non-material considerations".
Before you comment on an application, we recommend you understand what we can and cannot take into account.
Find out more about reasons for objecting.
Our Monitoring & Enforcement Team checks suspected breaches of planning control and, where breaches are found, seek a resolution. To properly investigate we need as much information as possible up-front.
Find out how to report a possible breach.
Give us your feedback
Your feedback is important to us because it helps us improve the services we offer. We aim to deliver high-quality and efficient services, and your feedback is extremely valuable to us.
We welcome any:
- suggestions
- complaints
- compliments
Find out how to give us your feedback.