How to designate a neighbourhood area

Please note that these steps are indicative only. Please ensure that you conform to the relevant Act and Regulations.
1. Make sure that your organisation is a relevant body
A relevant body is a parish council or an organisation that is, or is capable of being, designated as a neighbourhood forum.
2. Apply to the National Park Authority in writing
You must include in the application:
- a map of the proposed neighbourhood area
- a statement explaining why that area is appropriate
- a statement explaining that your organisation is a relevant body.
3. The National Park Authority will designate a neighbourhood area
In doing this the Authority must consider:
- the desirability of designating the whole area of a parish
- the desirability of maintaining existing boundaries of areas already designated as neighbourhood areas
- whether the proposed area is wholly or predominantly business in nature, and should therefore be a ‘business area’.
Useful to know
The power to designate an area as a neighbourhood area is exercisable by two or more local planning authorities in England if the area falls within the areas of those authorities. If your area is like this, speak to officers at the Authority first so that we can help with the process.
If you want to produce a neighbourhood plan, or make a neighbourhood development order, you will have to create a neighbourhood area first.