Primary Visits EYFS and Key Stage 1

Please note, we are currently consulting on an organisational change proposal that may impact on the services offered by the Learning and Discovery Team. Therefore, at this time, we are not taking any further booking for education work.
If you are interested in making a booking, you can email your contact details to and we will contact you in spring to confirm whether we are taking further bookings.
For all existing bookings, we will contact you in spring to let you know whether we are able to deliver your booking.
Days for schools
We offer a fun range of outdoor learning activities to engage Early Years and Key Stage 1 with the environment.
Visits are delivered at our learning centres by our experienced leaders. The habitats and landscape provide a stimulating back drop to learning, play and adventures, whilst also offering safe access and facilities needed for younger pupils.
Our programmes are designed to teach areas of the curriculum, providing practical skills and the opportunity for exploration, creativity and enjoyment through a child centred approach. Each programme details its learning objectives together with National Curriculum links.
What Ofsted says about outdoor learning:
“The first-hand experiences of learning outside the classroom can help to make subjects more vivid and interesting for pupils and enhance their understanding.” 2008 Ofsted report, “Learning outside the classroom – how far should you go?”
We strive to make our visits accessible to all. Days can be tailored to your group’s needs. While many of our sites are accessible to people with limited mobility, it is recommended to discuss your particular needs with us before booking.
We hold the Learning Outside the Classroom quality badge, certificate number R2QB103464
What we offer
Early years foundation stage programmes
- Woodland Tales - using popular children's stories such as the 'Gruffalo'
- Seasonal Change in the Peak District (this includes Christmas natural crafts)
Key stage 1 programmes
For more details please contact:
Tel: 01629 816373
Follow up work, results and other resources
Many of our programmes generate data and can followed up in the classroom - please visit our peak curriculum resources page for further help with data sets, spreadsheets, using fieldwork apps and links to further information, such as our State of the Park report.