Peak District Ambassador Schools

We are excited to offer a new opportunity for schools in and around the Peak District to connect with the Peak District National Park from your own setting. The pandemic has been especially hard for young people and schools, however, green spaces, outdoor recreation and education are vital in their recovery.
The Peak District has a history of almost one hundred years of support from people who live in its surrounding towns and cities. Dating back to the Kinder Mass Trespass in 1932 and earlier, people have shown their love for the area and campaigned to access it and protect it.
In the continued pioneering spirit of inspiring this kind of enthusiasm for the great outdoors, and for learning about wildlife and cultural heritage, we are pleased to bring you the chance to become an Ambassador School and deepen your connections with the Peak District.
We want the National Park to be loved, understood and supported by schools and communities across the region.
Our Mission is to:
- build lasting relationships with schools and communities,
- promote the benefits of outdoor learning and connection to nature,
- enable young people to enjoy, care for and take pride in the Peak District National Park.
What are Ambassador Schools?
Ambassador Schools are schools inside or within half an hour of the Peak District Boundary that have made a strong connection to the National Park.
It means that your school understands and cares about the Peak District National Park and champions wild places wherever they may be, including your own school grounds.
The Ambassador School scheme is a free package for selected primary and secondary schools including online resources, tailored support, and opportunities for rangers to visit your school.
Proud to be an Ambassador for the Peak District National Park
“It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living.” David Attenborough
We want schools in our local area to be part of our network of Ambassadors that are excited by and interested in the Peak District National Park.
Young people can take simple actions locally to help protect and support the Peak District, both within school and through visiting the National Park to learn more.
The scheme is designed so young people have the benefits of connecting with the outdoors and wild places for learning, wellbeing and enjoyment, and the National Park gains champions for the future.
Proud to work with our partners: Working with the Peak District Foundation we aim to support schools wherever possible to make getting outdoors easy. We believe connecting with local green spaces is just as important as connecting with the National Park. To support this aim the Peak District Foundation provides funding through several partners to provide equipment, and reduce barriers to accessing the National Park location and education services.
We have received support from Hydro Flask, Equip UK Outdoor Technologies and Spotty Otter towards our work with Ambassador Schools.
What are the benefits of becoming an Ambassador School?
You will gain access to:
- our online learning materials to help you embed connections to nature in the curriculum,
- over-the-phone or online support from a National Park engagement ranger,
- support to make the most of health and wellbeing benefits in outdoor learning to help raise standards and improve students’ life chances,
- help to identify, celebrate and understand the special qualities of your own wild places,
- opportunities for Peak District Rangers to visit your school,
- a wider network of Ambassador Schools,
- training and exclusive offers,
- 20% discount on visits delivered by our rangers in the Peak District National Park*
The scheme complements and supports other awards such as Eco awards, Learning Outside the Classroom Mark, and the National Outdoor Learning Award.
Please note: Responsibility lies with the school for ensuring adequate health and safety, legal and insurance arrangements for activities towards achieving a John Muir Award or Ambassador School status. All activities provided by the Peak District National Park will have their own risk assessments done and the National Park instructors will be suitably trained. Ambassador School status only applies to the single school applying and not a group of schools (e.g. Academies).
*Discounted visits are only available at Macclesfield Forest and Longdendale Environmental Centre. Please see T&C (633KB) for full information.
What is the commitment to become an Ambassador School?
You can do as much activity and learning as you like within your setting to contribute to the ethos of National Parks and sharing those passions with others in your community.
The minimum requirement is one activity per year for each year group and to share those experience with the Peak District National Park team.
We ask all schools to give feedback on the scheme in the form of surveys, photos and/or classwork. Renewal for the scheme each year depends upon us receiving this feedback.
What do you need to do next?
Read the guidance document (317KB) on applying to become a Peak District Ambassador School.
Look at our example application form (321KB)
Register using the online application form and tell us:
- about your setting,
- what your school is doing or plans to do to learn more about the Peak District National Park and support outdoor learning
- and how you are sharing those experiences.
Application Form (1,700KB)
Once we receive your application form, we will contact you to discuss your application and the Ambassador School scheme. If accepted, you will receive your Ambassador School certificate and logo to proudly display. During your school year, we would want you to share and celebrate your achievements with us.
Please note: There are a limited number of Ambassador School places therefore not all eligible schools will be accepted into the scheme. Selection is based on the application and discussion. Ambassador School status only applies to the single school applying and not a group of schools (e.g. Academies).
Ambassador Schools Resources
For teachers, we have a wide range of new Peak District National Park designed lessons and a collection of great resources to support your Ambassador School journey: Peak District Ambassador Schools Resources
High School students and their teachers will find lots of useful information about careers in the environmental, or Green, sector, on our designated Green Careers page. This includes downloadable case studies (3.6MB) featuring a number of Green Careers in the Peak District National Park.
Pupils of all ages (and their teachers) can also make use of our Nature Boost wellbeing resources
Contact us and share with us:
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- Email us via if you need more information.