Delegated powers

View recent decisions made by officers under delegated powers.
The following decisions are those which can be taken by officers under delegated powers.
Planning, Advertisement and Listed Building Applications
(1) Within the Authority's policies to determine all applications for planning consent, listed building consent, conservation area consent, overhead electricity lines and consent under the Advertisement Regulations other than those in the following categories:
- Residential development proposing a net increase over existing commitments of more than two new build dwellings or the conversion of traditional buildings to more than four units of accommodation.
- Commercial or industrial development proposing a net increase over existing commitments of more than 1,000 sq m floor area.
- New sites for the extraction of minerals or the disposal of waste.
- The extension of existing sites for mineral extraction and waste disposal with an increase in site area greater than 0.1ha.
- New telecommunications masts.
- Free standing wind turbines.
Provided that any delegated action above shall be subject to the following provisions
(a) That all new applications are reported in the week of receipt, or as soon as possible thereafter, in a list to be circulated to all Members.
(b) That any Member can by written notice, stating clear planning reasons, ask that an otherwise delegated application be determined by the Planning Committee. If such a request is made the Head of Development Management may, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, ask for further information before judging whether or not the application should be withdrawn from delegation. The Head of Development Management will inform the Member the reasons for a decision not to withdraw an application from delegation.
(c) Applications shall not be determined in a manner substantially contrary to the valid planning views of the District Council, Parish Council or Parish Meeting provided that those views are based on material planning considerations relevant to the application and are consistent with planning policies. In interpreting the word 'substantially' this clause shall not prevent either the approval or refusal of applications where the consultee response is either 'no comment' or 'no objections’ or the approval of applications where objections can be overcome by the imposition of conditions or amendments to the proposal. In addition this clause shall not prevent the determination of applications where differences of view are solely on design issues.
(d) Applications shall not be determined when more than three substantial planning objections or representations are received which are contrary to the intended decision. In interpreting the word 'substantial' this clause shall not prevent the determination of applications where objections can be overcome by the imposition of conditions, or where the objections or representations are solely on design issues.
(e) That all decisions are reported to Members for information on a monthly basis.
(2) To agree requests for minor amendments to approved design details provided no new planning issues are raised.
(3) To refuse applications on the basis of inadequate information supplied by the applicant.
(4) To discharge conditions on planning and advertisement permissions and listed building consents, including determination of formal applications for discharge.
(5) To grant applications which are for the renewal of unimplemented planning permissions.
(6) To sign all decision notices pursuant to a resolution or under this delegation