Countryside code

Your guide to enjoying parks and waterways, coast and countryside.
Respect everyone
- be considerate to those living in, working in and enjoying the countryside
- leave gates and property as you find them
- do not block access to gateways or driveways when parking
- be nice, say hello, share the space
- follow local signs and keep to marked paths unless wider access is available
Protect the environment
- take your litter home – leave no trace of your visit
- take care with BBQs and do not light fires
- always keep dogs under control and in sight
- dog poo – bag it and bin it – any public waste bin will do
- care for nature – do not cause damage or disturbance
Enjoy the outdoors
- check your route and local conditions
- plan your adventure – know what to expect and what you can do
- enjoy your visit, have fun, make a memory
For more information visit
The weather in the Peak District, especially on the high open moorland, can change rapidly from a fine sunny day, to thick fog and growing coldness. Winters in the Peak District often bring low temperatures with snow, wind and rain which can easily lead to cases of hypothermia for those walking on the higher hills. If you are visiting the Peak District National Park make sure you are well prepared in case the weather conditions alter.
- Carry enough food and water.
- Know how to use your map and compass.
- Clothing should be warm, windproof and waterproof.
- Even in summer always carry spare clothes, including hat and gloves.
Useful links
- Weather forecast
- Multi-user trails code
- Do this in the Peak District - animation and resources for schools
The Peak District enjoys an extensive public transport network, enabling you to have a full day out exploring the area without using the car.