Planning enforcement

Our monitoring and enforcement officers investigate alleged breaches of planning control and, where breaches are found, they seek to work with the owner and/or other interested persons to resolve the issues.
Breaches of planning control include:
- where building work is carried out without the required planning permission
- where the use of a building or land is changed without the required planning permission
- where conditions attached to an existing planning permission are not complied with
In many cases issues can be resolved informally or by regularising the unauthorised development through a retrospective planning application. However, if serious harm is being caused the Authority has powers to take formal enforcement action.
Our officers also sometimes carry out routine site visits where planning permissions have been granted to ensure that work is proceeding in accordance with the approved plans and conditions.
How do I report a possible breach of planning control?
If you wish to report a possible breach of planning control please use our online enquiry form, which is available at :
Completion and submission of the form enables you to easily provide all of the relevant information, including an accurate address or location, a description of the possible breach, any relevant times and dates, the identity of the owner or any contractors (if known) and an explanation of the harm being caused. The online form includes an interactive map which you can use to show us the precise location of your enquiry. You can also upload up to three photographs when you submit the form. Providing this information on the form makes it easier for us to carry out an effective investigation.
In cases of extreme urgency (e.g. demolition of a listed building or the felling of trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order) you may also wish to inform us immediately by telephone so that we can act more promptly. In such cases please use the number below. An online form will still need to be completed and submitted.
What if I cannot use the online form?
If there is a genuine reason why you cannot submit your enquiry online, perhaps because you do not have access to the internet or you have a disability which prevents you from using the online form, please contact our Customer and Democratic Support Team Advisors who will assist you with your enquiry. They will be able to take you through the form over the phone or make an appointment to visit our office, for example.
(01629) 816200
In person:
Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell DE45 1AE
Our office hours are 8.45am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. On bank holidays the offices are closed. Out of hours there is a facility to leave a telephone message.
What happens to my personal information?
We encourage you to provide your name and contact details so that we can get in touch if we require further information or clarification and can report back to you once we have carried out our investigation.
Whilst the subject of the enquiry is public information, your name, address or other personal details will not be published or otherwise made available as they are protected by data protection legislation. Naturally we cannot stop the person who is the subject of the enquiry drawing their own conclusions about the source of the enquiry.
In rare cases, it may be beneficial for the information you have provided to be presented in an appeal or in court. However, we will always ask your permission before making information available.
Local Enforcement Plan
The Peak District Local Enforcement Plan sets out how we will manage enforcement proactively, in a way that is appropriate to the National Park.
You can also download the full Local Enforcement Plan (209KB) in PDF format for printing.
If you would like a free printed copy of the Local Enforcement Plan please contact us, as follows:
Peak District National Park Authority
Aldern House
Baslow Road
DE45 1AE
Telephone: 01629 816 200
Quarterly Monitoring & Enforcement Reports
A review of Monitoring & Enforcement cases is reported to the Authority's planning committee every quarter, in January, April, July and October.
You can find reports by browsing to the relevant committee agenda.