Application forms and notes

Planning law means that we - and all other planning authorities in England and Wales - can only accept standard national planning application forms (called 1APP forms) from you.
There are different forms for different types of planning application. You should check the Local Validation List to see what information you may need to submit to support your application. The Local Validation List applies to planning applications (other than Lawful Development Certificates). The list has been amended from 6 September and requires details on how a proposal will reduce carbon emissions and incorporate measures to reduce the contribution to climate change sustainability.
Consultation on the updated Local Validation List
The Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) deals with all planning applications that are within the National Park boundary.
Soon we will be updating the list of documents required to be submitted with these applications. This list reflects the most recent guidance on local validation requirements in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (General Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015, and should be reviewed every two years to ensure it remains relevant and fit for purpose.
The proposed local validation list can be found attached along with a draft guidance.
We are therefore consulting you on the proposed list and ask for any comments you might have on its contents.
- Appendix 1 - Local Validation List draft (248KB)
- Appendix 2 - Local Validation List draft guidance (514KB)
Please send any comment you have to before the 30 April 2025.
When submitting a Lawful Development Certificate application, you will need to check the Lawful Development Certificate Local Validation List, to see what information you may need to support your application.
Find out about application forms and notes.
To submit a planning application...
- You can complete and submit an online form through the planning portal
- You can download and print out a form below. Please send your completed paper application to:
Planning Service
Peak District National Park Authority
Aldern House
Baslow Road
Bakewell DE45 1AE
If you are not sure which form you need, please contact us on on
Please refer to the local validation list and ensure that you provide the information required on this list otherwise your application cannot be validated.
Main types of planning permission | |
1. Householder planning permission | |
2. Full planning permission (not for householders) | |
3. Outline planning permission (with some matters reserved) | |
4. Outline planning permission (with all matters reserved) | |
5. Listed building consent | |
6. Planning Permission for relevant demolition in a Conservation Area | |
7. Consent to display an advertisement | |
8. Prior notification of a proposed agricultural or forestry development (building) | |
9. Prior notification of a proposed agricultural or forestry development (road) | |
10. Prior notification of proposed demolition | |
11. Hedgerow removal | |
12. Works to trees that have a tree preservation order or works to trees in a conservation area | |
Combinations of application forms (in one single form) | |
13. Householder planning permission + listed building consent | |
14. Householder planning permission + conservation area consent | |
15. Full planning permission + listed building consent | |
16. Full planning permission + consent for demolition in a conservation area | |
17. Full planning permission + consent to display an advertisement | |
Forms to change existing planning permission | |
18. Removal or amendment of a planning condition attached to planning permission | |
19. Approval of details reserved by condition (discharge of conditions) | |
20. Approval of reserved matters following outline approval | |
21. Application for non-material amendment of planning permission | |
22. Extension of time limits for implementing existing planning permission | |
Lawful Development Certificates | |
23. Lawful Development Certificate for existing use, operation or activity | |
24. Lawful Development Certificate for a proposed use or development |
Additional forms and Information
New legislation means fewer application types require a 'design and access statement'. In particular, a design and access statement is now no longer needed for householder applications outside conservation areas.
Application Fees
- Scale of Fees (92kb)
Design and access statement
- Design and access statement environmental management check list (21KB)
- Design and access statement form (9KB)
Protected species
Ordnance Survey request form
The Peak District National Park Authority is not an Ordnance Survey reseller and can't provide OS maps for the use with Planning Applications. However Ordnance Survey maps can be obtained through the Planning Portal webpages using the link below.
Please note that the Peak District National Park Authority does not have any control over this web page or the content within it. Any issues should be raised directly with the Planning Portal.
Section 106 Agreements
- Find out more about Section 106 Agreements.