Health and Wellbeing

“It was a founding principle of the National Parks movement that access to open space not only enhanced quality of life, but physical and mental wellbeing as well. This view is now being backed up by a wide range of qualitative and quantitative evidence, which tells us that spending time in the natural environment has huge potential in terms of improving physical and mental health, lowering blood pressure, increasing cardiovascular health and improving mood.”
- Julian Glover, Landscape Review for DEFRA 2019
Recent studies have shown that fresh air and the peace and quiet of stunning countryside can be a vital tonic for many people. Getting into nature and the countryside is a great way to escape from technology and the pace of daily life. The benefits of exercise are far-reaching – from protecting against cancers, heart disease and long-term health conditions, to building strong bones and boosting the immune system. It can ease depression, anxiety and stress, reduce isolation and loneliness and improve confidence. The Peak District National Park is often called the lungs of the country because of its central location between several cities, so why not explore the Park for your own health and wellbeing too.
You can access the health and wellbeing benefits of the Peak District National Park, through our supported activities, by accessing our self-led activities and through our section on health and well-being at home.
Emotional Health and Wellbeing Support
For details of support for your emotional health and wellbeing in Derby and Derbyshire please visit Derby and Derbyshire Emotional Health and Wellbeing website.This emotional health and wellbeing signposting website for Derby and Derbyshire contains local and national links and resources updated regularly.