Junior Rangers newsletter

We are in the process of putting together our next newsletter which will be uploaded here as soon as it is ready.
Anabel Cole, a former Junior Ranger from our South West Peak group describes the work of the Junior Rangers:
"Junior Rangers is run by rangers and volunteers with a session once a month to help towards the conservation of the Peak District National Park. It gives young people the chance to be involved with nature and National Parks, and for me the sessions have provided me with a complete change from my normal environment, due to living near a busy city. I love how we can ‘muck in’ with a range of activities and be part of a global nature movement through the affiliation with the EUROPARC Federation."
If you are aged 11-16 and you would like to volunteer as a young ranger contact learning.discovery@peakdistrict.gov.uk.
We would also love to hear from you especially with content for our next newsletter. If you are not so young (18+) and you’re interested in helping out with our young rangers we’d love to hear from you too.