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Green fields highlighted by sunrays through heavy clouds from Curbar Edge

Access Fund Annual Report 2016

Help us to keep the Peak District looking this beautiful and healthy


The Access Fund was launched in September 2014 as part of the celebrations for the tenth anniversary of open access in the Peak District. The access fund helps to build on the legacy of access in the National Park with those who care for this special place for the inspiration and enjoyment of all.

The Access Fund is ring-fenced for access improvements throughout the National Park. This includes new gates, new and improved paths, and signage.



Sheffield Campaign for Access to Moorlands - £400

South Yorkshire and North East Derbyshire Ramblers - £532

The Clarion Ramblers - £400
These three organisations have been actively involved in campaigning for access to the Peak District moors and were instrumental in legislation introducing National Parks and access to the countryside. The donations were given to continue the work to improve access and a special event was held to recognize this. More info on visiting open access land and the history of access at can be found at and on the event here.

Derbyshire Area Ramblers - £400
The Derbyshire Area of the Ramblers has more than 1500 members. As well as organising many walks for its members it also works tirelessly to ensure local paths are usable and rights of way are protected.

Clarion Ramblers Handbooks - £290
Sales from handbooks have raised £290 for the Access Fund. These are sold at the quarterly Peak District Local Access Forum meetings.  Please contact if you’d like to view the collection of the Clarion Ramblers Handbooks provided to the National Park Authority.

Long Distance Walkers Association - £100
Andrew McCloy, Chair of the Authority’s Audit Resource and Performance Committee, gave an after-dinner talk on the Pennine Way to the Long Distance Walkers' Association at their annual AGM in Buxton and it was agreed the fee be donated towards the Access Fund.

Sheffield CHA Rambling Club – £75
Members became aware of the access fund at a presentation to a British Mountaineering Council area meeting and promptly raised £75 towards the work being done to improve access.

Footloose First Walking Club - £50
Footloose is a Nottingham/Derby based walking group established 30 years ago of about 60 members. When members became aware of the access appeal they agreed unanimously to make a donation to help to continue the work in improving access to walkers.


Dark and White - £700

Mini Mountain Marathon - £100

OMM Bike and Lite - £600

Dark Peak Fell Runners - £700
The Edale Skyline race has been going since 1974 and takes place at the end of March, with around 250 runners in 2016. Dark Peak Fell Runners aim for the race to be as low key and minimum impact as possible as well as a challenging early season race for the runners. Around a hundred people volunteer to help on the day and the race has always been not for profit. Local landowners kindly help with parking and fees from this go directly to village charities. Other local causes also benefit, this year money was donated to the Access fund to help with the footpath repairs on Ringing Roger and mountain rescue. The Access Fund is a particularly good way to ensure conservation benefits in the most needed areas.

The Burbage race is a more relaxed affair with many first time runners on a mid-week evening. This area is benefiting from new National Trust management and donation was provided via the Access fund for footpath repairs near the race route.

Peak Skyrace - £294


Donations totalling £1220 were received from the following individuals keen to support access improvements within the Peak District National Park.

  • John Thompson
  • Helen Clark
  • Mr G Trickett
  • Dr S Furness
  • A Sheffield Ramblers Member
  • Tom and Frances Jennings


Wild Side Walk - £46.80
Local food and drink help to spread the message of visiting and enjoying the National Park and we were pleased to support Thornbridge’s festival in July by holding Ranger-led walks to the event via a secret entry off the Monsal Trail to exclusive access to Thornbridge Hall gardens. Donations for the walks raised £46.80.

British Mountaineering Council - £17507.25
A crowdfunding campaign was set up by the British Mountaineering Council to highlight the condition of upland paths and to seek donations for their repair. In the Peak District, donations were sought for the path to Ringing Roger from Edale. The support of BMC for the path restoration work sent out the message that these are our hills and ours to care for. Read more here

Peak Horse Power - £150
In August 2016, over 40 horse riders enjoyed a circular pleasure ride from Alport. The ride went from Alport to Elton, on into Gratton Dale and Long Dale, to Middleton-by-Youlgrave where the route divided to take most riders along the river Bradford back to Alport (this was a concession route for the day) with the remaining riders returning via Lathkil Dale and Over Haddon. Peak Horse Power chose to use this route as much of the ride from Alport via Over Haddon is part of our newly created South Peak Loop. The ride raised £300 with half of that to the Access Fund to help with improving access opportunities;

Wild Side T-shirts - £10
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of open access a Wild Side beer and accompanying T-shirt inspired by the Peak District were launched by Thornbridge giving a £1 donation for every T-shirt sold to the Access Fund.


New and Retained Access

Brushfield Concession Path - £1163.03
At this offshoot dale near Brushfield, we were approached by the landowner to put in place a new section of concession bridleway to link in with the existing bridleway to the road. The works involved the movement of large boulders to open up the access, vegetation clearance, surfacing the boggy sections, a new bridle gate, a fingerpost with details of the destination and waymarking along the route.

Middleton Dams - £242.89
Every Winter, a natural wonder  - a murmuration - is found on our doorstep at Cavendish Mill near Stoney Middleton. We worked with the landowners to provide an access gate so that people could watch the birds assemble from all corners to swoop and swirl before settling down for the night in the reed beds of the dams.

Rod Moor - £274.78
When the wall was being repaired we installed a new access point to retain access to the trig point.

Saddleworth - £375.55
Signposts and a stile were erected so that people felt welcome when accessing the access land via an alternative route for climbing at Standing Stones.

Minninglow Concession Path - £115.73
We negotiated with the landowner to retain this important concession path when the agri-environment scheme came to an end. Works included installing a surfaced path at the side of the farm track between the trees and to re-erect the waymark.

Gates & Stiles

Shaw Moor Access - £493.06
The stile onto access land near Glossop was in serious need of repair so we replaced it with a wicket gate.

Outseats - £200.21
A new wooden wicket gate replaced a stile in a wood at Offerton.

Chinley - £58.70
In 2004, a concession path was negotiated to link the new area of access at South Head to the public rights of way network. In 2016, we replaced one of the gates.

Baslow Disabled Gate - £52.96
A new gatepost was erected to ensure continued easy access from the car park at Curbar Gap to the view from Baslow Edge.

Curbar Gate - £67.05
A new wicket gate was installed in the dry stone wall adjacent to a historic stone squeezer stile to allow easy access. The wall to the side was then rebuilt for stock-proofing.

Path Repairs

Ringing Roger Airlift - £7362
An airlift was only practical option to take stone to the site for the path repairs on Ringing Roger. The cost covers the stone, the bagging of it and flying it in.


Curbar Signpost - £31.58
When the signpost rotted away, we carefully affixed the historic fingerpost to a new signpost.


This is the second year of the Access Fund following its introduction in September 2014 to improve access in the Peak District National Park.

This annual report provides information on where we carry out improvements and the opportunities for donating. The donations that we receive are very welcome. We couldn’t do it without you.

More access improvements are being progressed and, prior to the next annual report, updates will be provided in the Access and Rights of Way Newsletter and to the Local Access Forum which provides support and guidance for this work.

Please help us to do more.

Contributions October 2015 – December 2016

  • Groups - £2247.00
  • Events - £2394.00
  • Individuals - £1220.00
  • Fundraising - £17196.80
  • TOTAL £23,057.80

Expenditure October 2015 – December 2016

  • New Access - £2171.98
  • Gates and Stiles - £871.98
  • Path Repairs - Airlift£7362.00
  • Signage - £31.58
  • TOTAL £10437.54

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