Vehicle access

Where you can go
Byways Open to All Traffic (BOATs) have proven rights for motorised vehicles. Unclassified roads (UCRs) may also have potential, but unproven, rights for motor vehicles.
BOATs are shown on OS 1:25,000 Explorer maps as:
UCRs are sometimes shown as other routes with public access:
There are seven Highway Authorities in the National Park. If you are unsure about whether it is legal to use a route in a motor vehicle please check with the relevant Highway Authority.
You could also look at although we cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy of this website.
Sometimes there may be restrictions on routes. In some circumstances, these may include permanent traffic regulation orders (TROs). There may also be Highway Authority TROs and closures for repairs.
There are no rights to go off-road. This can also affect areas of ecological or archaeological importance.
Keep on Track
Please keep to the track to prevent damage to the verges.
Green Lanes Code
Our green lanes code encourages responsible access by all users of these routes.
Joining a vehicle user group is a good way to find out about responsible access in the national park and to build up skills.