Farming principles

The farming and land management contribution to achieving the National Park Management Plan for the future of the Peak District is guided by the following principles:
- A focus on food production through farming which is viable, competitive and evolving in a way which seeks to impact positively on the environment
- Ensures the protection and more sustainable use of natural resources
- Seeks the development of a simply designed single reward payment approach including exploring the option of bringing together the environmental baseline requirements of the Single Farm Payment Scheme and the Entry Level Environmental Stewardship Scheme
- Encourage a diversity of core products and other business opportunities to build resilience
- Ensure farmers and land managers can access public sector support through agri-environment and business funds, developing their skills base and co-operation/ network building, using the special qualities of the Peak District
- Ensure payments for the protected landscapes and the uplands are targeted to Higher Level Environmental Stewardship, recognising their environmental importance and more challenging farming circumstances
- Encourage, retain and restore a range of landscape types, farming practices and different approaches for conservation gain alongside productive use of landscape
- Achieve multiple benefits through a partnership between farmers, the National Park Authority and other statutory bodies - balancing regulation with guidance and incentives to encourage innovation using local knowledge
- Share best practice and work together to secure recognition for the economic, social and environmental value of public goods provided in the Peak District
- Promote understanding of different types of land management in the Peak District and the diverse benefits it can provide, including food, water safeguards (quality, storage, supply, flood prevention), carbon management and storage, biodiversity, heritage, forestry, renewable energy, recreational health and well-being
- Develop the skills base of those who live and work locally, particularly young people, both directly and indirectly working in farming and land management
- Develop the scope for economic return from renewable energies.
Please note these principles are shortly to be updated.