Authority Plan

Our Authority Plan for 2023-28 sets out the actions we will undertake to deliver our statutory purpose to conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the Park and promote opportunities for understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the Park by the public.
We are also instrumental in both the development and the delivery of the National Park Management Plan which is a collaborative, partnership plan for the Park as a place. Successful delivery of the NPMP will help us to achieve our vision:
By 2043 the Peak District National Park is exemplary in its response to climate change and nature recovery. Its special qualities and resilience as a living landscape have been significantly enhanced. It is a welcoming place where all are inspired to care and communities thrive
Our Authority Plan is structured around our Enabling Delivery aim which captures key elements of the National Park Authority's own essential business as we fulfil our roles as regulator, influencer and deliverer.
There are a detailed set of objectives which under pin our organisational aim (see Authority Plan for 2023-28). This provides the framework for us to align our resources to help achieve the Peak District National Park Vision.
We have been ambitious in setting our desired outcomes, yet realistic in terms of our resources. It enables us to make the case for the support and resources needed to conserve and enhance the Peak District National Park’s special qualities. It also provides the flexibility to take advantage of opportunities as they emerge.
We will continue to speak up for and care for the Peak District National Park, so everyone can enjoy, forever.