Peak Park Parishes' Forum

The Peak Park Parishes' Forum (PPPF) was established on 23 April 1994 to work for, and on behalf of, local councils (i.e. Parish or Town Council or Parish Meeting) within the Peak District National Park (PDNP).
- to ensure good working relationships between local councils and the PDNPA.
- to provide a forum for councils to liaise and consult with the PDNPA.
- to assist in the election of Parish Members to the PDNPA and liaise with those members to ensure parish views are referred to PDNPA.
- to facilitate the dissemination of information to member councils using seminars, newsletters and other appropriate means.
- to act on other matters and undertake any other activities the Forum may decide upon from time to time.
Any Local Council which has land within the boundaries of the PDNP may become a member of the Forum by payment of the appropriate subscription. Currently over half of eligible councils are members of the Forum.
- List of town councils and parishes councils (on our Democracy website)
The Forum holds an AGM in autumn each year when it elects both a Chairman and other members from its member Councils to its Management Committee.
Contact PPPF
Peter Leppard
Secretary, Peak Park Parishes Forum
Telephone: 07860 624453