Have your say

There are lots of ways you can participate in the democratic process by telling us what you think.
Comment on a consultation
The Authority seeks people’s views on a wide range of subjects. At any one time, we may have a number of consultations open for comment. This area of our website lists our consultations and any related documents, and provides information on how to comment.
See a list of current consultations.
Speak at a meeting
You are able to contribute to any of the issues discussed at Authority meetings and you can make your points directly to members. This opens up the democratic process so that the public can contribute to decision-making.
Find out about speaking at an Authority meeting.
Make a complaint
We aim to deliver high quality and efficient services. We are always trying to do better and we welcome your feedback. If things go wrong, we want to resolve any problems fairly and as quickly as possible.
Find out how to make a complaint.
Contribute to the planning process
Planning affects people in different ways. You may wish to:
- comment on a planning application
- report a breach
- speak at the planning committee
- give us your feedback
Find out how to contribute to the planning process.