State of the Park Report

As the National Parks Circular 2010 states, "An essential part of the process of review of a Park Management Plan is an assessment of how the Park has changed over the previous period. The Authorities are expected to lead by compiling the State of the Park report which should include information about the current state of the Park, and on issues affecting:
- the special qualities of the Park, and factors that have direct implications for the special qualities, such as the health of the natural resources of air, biodiversity, soil and water;
- how these special qualities are enjoyed and by whom;
- the economic and social well-being of Park communities insofar as this is connected to the Authority pursuing Park purposes."
In 2021, we published the latest PDNP State of the Park report in advance of the development of the 2023-28 National Park Management Plan. The report takes the form of an interactive website, which can be accessed using the link below.