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Green fields highlighted by sunrays through heavy clouds from Curbar Edge

Access Fund Annual Report 2020

Help us to keep the Peak District looking this beautiful and healthy


The Access Fund was launched in September 2014 as part of the celebrations for the tenth anniversary of open access in the Peak District. The Access Fund helps to build on the legacy of access in the National Park with those who care for this special place for the inspiration and enjoyment of all.

The Access Fund is ring-fenced for access improvements throughout the National Park. This includes new and replacement access points, new and improved paths and access, signage and promotion of access.



Sheffield CHA Rambling Club – £100
The Club has again contributed this year towards the work being done to improve access.


Little Island Productions £8424
Funding for the support provided for a major film production in the Peak District, and to leave a legacy from the filming, will help to reinstate a section of the ‘Broken Road’ below Mam Tor to make this accessible for wheelchair users and anyone else needing a better surface. This route will complement the Miles without Stiles route lower down and will allow people to experience close to hand the power of nature caused by the Shivering Mountain, or possibly other apocalyptical events, but we’ll have to wait for the film to find out more.

Alpkit £3000
Alpkit Foundation contributed towards Anniversary Gates on the 20th anniversary of the right to roam to improve access and accessibility in the 70th year of the National Park. The donation will replace stiles with gates in the Manifold area for everyone to explore, understand, and connect with the National Park’s wilder areas.

Adge Last
"The Alpkit Foundation is the charity that helps people go nice places to do good things. We are really pleased to be able to support the National Park in their work to remove barriers for people, such as this project replacing stiles with gates to create an accessible walking route. We generally make small awards to people and groups to help remove barriers to participation, but in this case have agreed a larger sum in the knowledge that it will benefit huge numbers of people. In these difficult times, everyone has come to realise even more the importance and value of engagement with the natural environment, and we hope to work together with the Access Fund on other schemes in future.


Total £270
Donations were received from the following individuals keen to support access improvements within the Peak District National Park.

  • Alison Clifton Barnard
  • Vernon Ford
  • Rita Walker
  • Dr Louise Devoy
  • Claire Hawkins
  • Nicola Tratalos
  • Jenny Wood
  • John Thompson

One donation was made anonymously.


Margaret White £50
A donation was made by Lesley in memory of her lovely Mum, who loved the outdoors, walking, and especially the Peak District. Lesley was sprinkling a little of her mum’s magic by way of donations to different charities.

Book Sales

Miles without Stiles Handbooks £4036.60
The handbook is priced at £5.95, with every penny going towards access improvements. You can purchase the book from any of our visitor centres or through our online shop. The routes are also available to download at



Ossams Hill Anniversary Gates £549.60
Peak Park Conservation Volunteers and South-West Peak apprentices worked together to put in the first Anniversary Gates with uplifting views of the Manifold Valley including Thor's Cave. The access and accessibility improvements have been taken forward with the National Trust and funded by the Alpkit Foundation and will help to celebrate access and a walk on the wild side to explore the spirit of the uplands and the passion of the Peak District.

Winnat’s Anniversary Gates £1676.34
Two new Anniversary Gates replaced the former ladder stiles at the head of Winnats Pass, which for some were a step too far. The permissive path heads across a field away from Mam Tor to another iconic view in the Peak. Wesley captures this perfectly in his film which shows the Countryside Maintenance and Projects Team installing this gate after his fundraising for its replacement. The bright yellow catches make it easier to open and close the gates.

Hollins Hill Anniversary Gates £1497.36
Four Anniversary Gates were installed by our in-house team to link in areas of Access Land on this neighbouring hill to Chrome Hill. Chrome Hill, in the background, is known as ‘the Dragon’s Back’.

Conksbury Miles without Stiles £172.80
Gate improvements on this Miles without Stiles route has helped to stock-proof this riverside path. This year’s Donation Thank You at the end of the report also shows the beauty of the area, but without the swans.

Mam Tor £714.31
Our in-house team installed some new gates with an easy latch system suitable for wheelchair users. Next job is the drainage and surfacing using the funding given to this.

New Access

Eldon Pond £1683.14
Twenty years after quarrying ceased at Eldon Quarry, we have negotiated a new permissive path to the pond, which links to existing public rights of way to avoid walking on the road. Please keep to the agreed path so we can keep access here for the next twenty years and more.

Path Improvements

Chapel Gate £2183.38
This permissive route links Chapel Gate and the Roych to avoid the road. The Countryside Maintenance and Projects Team resurfaced the path and improved the gates.

Stanage £531.58
This is the popular path to Stanage Edge leading up from the parking at Hooks Carr. The Access Fund part contributed to the access improvements here, which involved putting in stone cross-drains, resurfacing, and fencing to limit erosion to the adjoining land and allow it to recover.


This is the sixth year of the Access Fund following its introduction in September 2014 to improve access in the Peak District National Park.

This annual report provides details of your support for access and the improvements that are taking place.

More access improvements are being progressed. Updates will be provided in the Access and Rights of Way Newsletter and to the Local Access Forum which provides support and guidance for this work.

Thank you for helping us to do more for more.

Contributions January to December 2020

  • Groups - £100.00
  • Businesses - £11424.00
  • Individuals - £270.00
  • Commemorations - £50.00
  • Book Sales - £4036.60
  • TOTAL £15880.60

Expenditure January to December 2020

  • Gates - £4610.41
  • New Access - £1683.14
  • Path Improvements - £2714.96
  • TOTAL £9008.51

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