Green fields highlighted by sunrays through heavy clouds from Curbar Edge


Peak District millstones on hillside near Stanage

Current consultations

Links to all the consultations that we run will appear in this section of the website.

Call for Sites

This consultation is is one step in a statutory process that must be undertaken by local authorities preparing a local plan.  It will help us to identify possible sites that could be brought forward in the local plan to support national park purposes and duty and deliver our ambition for thriving and sustainable communities.

We are asking landowners, developers, community groups, and individuals to put forward sites to be considered for

  • the development of new homes and businesses
  • nature recovery, renewable energy and open space
  • designation as Local Green Space.

Submissions must be made within the call for sites period 10 March – 5 May 2025.

Further details can be found on the Call for Sites web page.

Recent consultations

Active Travel Consultation

We asked groups and members of the public to let us know how to improve access for walking, cycling, disabled users, and horse riders in the Peak District National Park.

We’re consulted on a high-level network of routes for more active travel. This includes everyday trips like walking to the shops or cycling to work, as well as longer journeys for leisure.

The consultation used interactive mapping for providing details of favourite locations and suggested improvements.

The consultation ended on Sunday March 16 2025

Active Travel Consultation

Tree Preservation Order TPO 100/2024 - Land between Lima Barn & Lima Farm, Blaze Hill, Rainow, Macclesfield, SK10 5BZ, Grid Reference: SJ95018 77750

A order came into force, on a temporary basis, on 9 December 2024, and will remain in force for six months. During this time we will decide whether the order should be given permanent status.

People affected by the order had a right to object or make comments on any of the trees or woodlands covered before we decide whether the order should be made permanent. The deadline for objections or comments was Tuesday 7 January 2025.

For more details about this order please visit our Tree Preservation Orders page.

National Park Authority car parks: changes to Byelaws

We are proposing to make changes to the Byelaws for the Authority’s car parks.   Details of the proposed changes and the Notice of Confirmation can be found on our Changes to Byelaws page.  The end date for registering objections to the proposed changes was 17 July 2024.

Consultation on Planning Policy Documents and Applications: Statement of Community Involvement

The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) explains how the National Park Authority will involve individuals, local communities and stakeholders in the preparation and revision of planning policy documents and the determination of planning applications.

The SCI requires updating at least every 5 years and we asked for views on a draft Statement of Community Involvement.

Further details can be found on our planning policy page.

The consultation ended 24 July 2023.

Consultation on Disposal of Open Space Land: Brockett Booth Plantation, Hope Valley

Consultation ended 25 May 2023.

Details and documents for Brocket Booth Plantation consultation.

Footpath at Bonsall

We consulted on a proposal to change the route of public footpath No 31 that runs south-east of Brightgate Farm, between Bonsall and Wensley. The consultation ended on 12 January 2023.

Details of the Bonsall Footpath order.

National Park Authority car parks: changes to Byelaws and Parking Orders (Oct/Nov 2022)

We consulted on proposed changes to Byelaws and Parking Orders affecting some sites within the Authority’s network of 45 car parks.

This included ticket type purchasing, length of parking stays, parking charge amendments and increases to the number of Pay & Display sites included within our network.

Additional details and information can be found via this press release.

These proposals applied to National Park Authority owned and operated car parks only.

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