White Peak advisers training events

Attendees of the White Peak advisers training days can find materials from the day on this page.
7th November 2019
Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations - Rebekah Newman, Peak District National Park Authority
Soils of the White Peak - Richard Wheeldon, National Trust
Nature Recovery Networks & Practical Trials - Dan Abrahams, Natural England & Rebekah Newman, Peak District National Park Authority
Defra Environmental Land Management scheme & the White Peak Test - Sue Fletcher & Sarah Bird, Peak District National Park Authority
26th September 2018
Background to the White Peak Partnership - Mark Haslam, Environment Agency
Countryside Stewardship & Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations - David Jackson, Natural England
Trees - Tristan Galletly, Forestry Commission and Luke Barley, National Trust
Farming Rules for Water - Paul Chambers, Environment Agency
Derwent Catchment Management & STEPS - Margaret Baile, Severn Trent
White Peak Opportunity Mapping - Dan Abrahams, Natural England and James Frith
Introduction to White Peak Pilot - Sue Fletcher, Peak District National Park Authority
Additional documents
Ecological impacts of ash dieback - Forestry Commission Research Note July 2017