Cultural Heritage Strategy

The United Kingdom’s National Parks are amongst its finest and most treasured landscapes, rightly recognised for their tranquillity, special wildlife and unique habitats. They are also cultural landscapes, shaped by human activity over thousands of years.
These living, working landscapes have, in turn, influenced local and national identity, inspiring writers, poets and artists and contributing significantly to the nation’s rich cultural legacy.
The cultural heritage of the Peak District National Park includes all the evidence of past human activity sites, monuments, buildings, landscapes and settlements as well as local customs and traditions, and music, art and literature inspired by the area.
The cultural heritage is a key element in the social, economic and environmental development of the Peak District.
Society is constantly developing and, as a result, the cultural heritage is always under threat. In response to this, the National Park Authority and a wide range of partners and stakeholders have collaborated on producing this Cultural Heritage Strategy for the Peak District National Park.
Part 1 sets the national, regional and local context, explains terms and provides an overview of the cultural heritage of the Peak District.
Part 2 is the Action Plan; it identifies what should be done and how, who should do it and what the results should be.