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Green fields highlighted by sunrays through heavy clouds from Curbar Edge

Core Strategy Background

innovative building in the Peak District

LDF Core Strategy Adoption

The Core Strategy was formally adopted by the National Park Authority on 7 October 2011. The Core Strategy DPD is the principal document of the Local Development Framework and sets out a vision, spatial strategy and core policies to guide development and change in the National Park up to 2026.

The Core Strategy DPD was subject to examination by an independent Inspector appointed by the secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. The examination included hearing sessions in April 2011. The Inspector's Report was received on 15th July 2011. The adopted Core Strategy incorporates the binding recommendations of the Inspector.

Copies of the following documents will be available for inspection free of charge at libraries and deposit locations in and around the National Park from 17 October 2011. Alternatively bound black and white printed copies of the Core Strategy are available from the National Park Authority at a cost of £6 (£8 including postage and packing) from the Policy Planning office or you can download and print/ view on screen, the files below:

Suggested changes

Examination into the LDF Core Strategy

The hearings for the independent Examination into the Core Strategy took place at the Peak District National Park Office, Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell between 11 and 18 April 2011.

Dr Shelagh Bussey, MA, Dip TP, Dip EM, PhD, MRTPI from the Planning Inspectorate conducted the Examination. Dr. Bussey will report back to the Authority in early July.  

The post submission changes are available to view in a file called Schedule of Post Submission Changes under the heading Examination document.

Core Documents list

Pre-hearing meeting

Examination Documents

Submission documents

Key documents

Core Strategy

This sets out the vision, objectives and spatial strategy (including key diagram) for the National Park and the primary policies for achieving the vision.

Issues and Options

Consultation in May 2005 (jointly with the National Park Management Plan).

Consultation on Core Strategy issues and options took place in May and June 2007.

Refined Options

A workshop on refined options will take place with key national, regional and local stakeholders in July 2008.

A series of area focussed workshops on refined options will take place with key local stakeholders in September and October 2008.

A 'Refined Options' document was available for comment between January and April 2009. The consultation period for feedback on the document has now finished however a copy of the document can be downloaded below.

Preferred Approaches

The Authority approved its Preferred Approaches for the National Park Spatial Strategy and Core Policies for consultation on 2 October 2009. A period of consultation took place between October and December 2009.

Pre-submisson consultation

The Core Strategy Development Plan Document Submission Version was consulted on between 15 September and 26 October 2010. The next stages are submission to the Secretary of State on 17 December 2010 and Examination expected in March 2011.

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