Green fields highlighted by sunrays through heavy clouds from Curbar Edge

Peak Sub Region Level 1 Strategic Flood risk Assessment (September 2008)

innovative building in the Peak District

In December 2007 Derbyshire Dales District Council, High Peak Borough Council and the Peak District National Park Authority commissioned Halcrow to produce a Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) in accordance with Planning Policy Statement 25 (PPS25). These authorities make up the Peak Sub-Region as defined by the Draft East Midlands Regional Plan 2006. The SFRA is split into three reports covering the areas for which each authority is the local planning authority.

The SFRA has been prepared to support the application of the Sequential Test (by the Councils) outlined in Planning Policy Statement 25: Development and Flood Risk (PPS25), and to provide information and advice in relation to land allocations and development control. The SFRA has assessed all forms of flood risk: fluvial (rivers), surface water, groundwater, sewers and impounded water bodies (reservoirs and canals), both now and in the future given the likely impacts of climate change.The SFRA includes maps of the flood risks. The strategic flood risk information is also presented as GIS layers, and can be interrogated to gain the associated descriptive information.

Peak sub-region level 1 strategic flood risk assessment (September 2008) (212KB) pdf

Strategic flood risk GIS maps

We are sorry but the website that held these maps is no longer available online.

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