Residential Annexes Supplementary Planning Document

Residential annexes, also known as ‘granny’ annexes and ancillary residential accommodation, are a common form of development that allows relatives to live with their family but with a degree of independence. As an Authority we support residential annexes in principle. We recognise that some families want or need ancillary accommodation, for example, due to:
- the need/desire to care for relatives unable to remain in their own home, but who do not want to move into a care home; or
- to make space for younger generations to remain at home or return home (e.g. to assist or take on a family-run business) but who want their own space to live their own lives, near to, but out from under the feet of their parents; or
- to provide accommodation for an employee where the pattern of work is part-time or seasonal and therefore would not justify a worker’s dwelling.
This Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) seeks to:
- outline the legal complexities surrounding ancillary residential accommodation and how it differs from incidental accommodation;
- provide further detail on the interpretation and intent of Development Management Policy (DMP) policies DMC5, DMC10, DMH5, DMH7 and DMH8; and
- outline when a condition or a Section 106 Agreement should be used to prevent the severance of the ancillary accommodation from the existing dwelling house.