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Green fields highlighted by sunrays through heavy clouds from Curbar Edge

Evidence base

innovative building in the Peak District

National Parks General

Environment Act

National Parks Vision and Circular

National Parks vision circular 2010 (1MB)

The Development Strategy

Landscape and conservation

The Landscape Character Assessment establishes a baseline audit of the current character of the landscape and provides a framework to measure any future landscape change. The assessment will also help to promote appreciation and understanding of the landscape of the national park.

Recreation and tourism

Climate change and sustainable building

This document outlines the actions that need to be taken within the national park to help mitigate the causes of, and adapt to the effects of, climate change in the years to come.

Also see our Peak Sub-Region Climate Change Study (8.8MB) which focuses on the capacity and potential for renewable energy and low-carbon technology and incorporates a landscape sensitivity study of the area. Please note we have received comments from our primary data source for hydro which are likely to result in a revision to the hydro section of this document.

Strategic flood risk assessment 2008An assessment of the flood risk to the Peak District National Park both now and in the future, including detailed images and GIS data.

Waste management

Homes and communities

Peak District National Park Housing Topic Paper (600KB)

Derbyshire Dales District Council

High Peak Borough Council

Community Infrastructure Levy

An assessment of the viability of applying the Community Infrastructure Levy within the Peak District National Park published in July 2013.

Peak District National Park Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Viability Study (1MB)

Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2008

An assessment of the dynamics and drivers of the housing market within the Peak District sub-region. Published December 2008.

Strategic housing land availability assessment

The Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) was prepared by ekosgen and Arup for High Peak Borough Council, Derbyshire Dales District Council and the Peak District National Park Authority. It is important to note the role of the SHLAA is not to allocate land for residential development but to provide evidence, alongside other studies, to help inform the decision processes as part of the Local Development Framework and development control decisions. The SHLAA identifies potential housing sites and indicates the strategic capacity. However it leaves to the plan making process (now underway) the policy judgements as to which sites should be factored into the Core Strategy and other Development Plan Documents. It does not prejudge the planning application process for each site.

Peak sub-region town centre and retail study 2009

A study of shopping provision within the Peak District sub-region, identifying potential requirements for new retail floorspace in the principal centres to 2026.

Peak sub-region open space, sport and recreation study 2009
An audit and needs assessment of open space and sports facilities within the Peak sub-region.

Derbyshire gypsy and traveller accommodation assessment 2015

Derbyshire gypsy and traveller accommodation assessment 2008

Population projections workshop 2007Notes from a workshop which explored the impact of recent population, housing and labour force projections on National Park policies.


Bakewell employment land review (1.9MB)

Contribution of the Peak District National Park to the Economy of the East Midlands SQW Consulting: Nov: 2008 (3.7MB)

Peak Sub-region employment land review 2008

The study reviews the current supply of employment land in the sub-region, and considers the future employment land and premises requirements to 2026.



Accessibility of services by public transport in relation to Local Plan Settlements
A series of maps showing the accessibility of core services to residents of settlements within the Peak DIstrict when using public transport. A benchmark of 30 minutes has been used throughout.

Consultation events

Coinciding with the launch of the Issues and Options document, over 50 stakeholders met to discuss the future management of the National Park.

Help Shape the Future survey results 2004
Questionnaires were distributed by email, at local summer agricultural shows, local libraries and Tourist Information Centres. 388 responses were received.

Public meetings 2004

Key issues affecting local communities were discussed at six meetings hosted by the National Park Authority?s Chair and Chief Executive. For summaries of issues raised at each meeting, click on the links below:

Community workshops 2008
A series of community workshops took place in October 2008 to discuss the Local Development Framework and Landscape Strategy. Workshops took place in Kettleshulme, Hathersage, Hayfield, Warslow, Bakewell, Bradfield and Holme.

Sustainability Appraisal / Strategic Environmental Assessment (SA/SEA)

Sustainability Appraisal / Strategic Environmental Assessment (SA/SEA) Scoping Report
Scoping report with consultation responses - July 2008 (221KB)
Scoping report appendices (470KB)

Sustainability matrices for core strategy refined options

SA / SEA of core strategy preferred approaches

General national park evidence

Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS8) (revoked)
As of 2010, the regional plan is no longer part of the strategic planning documents for the national park. It is, however, still a part of the evidence base for the Local Development Framework Core Strategy.

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