Green fields highlighted by sunrays through heavy clouds from Curbar Edge

Finance and Operational Policies

peak district landscape

In addition to the policies and procedures related to the long-term and day-to-day management of the national park, the policies below relate to how the Authority itself is run.

Code of Corporate Governance

Governance is about how local government bodies ensure that they are doing the right things, in the right way, for the right people, in a timely, inclusive, open, honest and accountable way. The Authority has agreed a Code of Corporate Governance which sets out what we will do to achieve this and follows the principles and framework recommended for local government.

Each year the Authority is required to review its performance against this Code so that we can continuously improve our effectiveness and address any weakness highlighted. In doing this we take into account feedback and reports from independent advisors like our internal and external auditors and the local government ombudsman.

This review feeds into our Annual Governance Statement (AGS) which we are required to produce each year by the end of May to accompany the production of the final accounts. This statement highlights action we are going to take to improve our governance arrangements. We publish the version of our AGS which has not yet been audited by the deadline of 31 May. We then publish the version which has been audited and approved by our Members in July.

Other policies

Performance and Business Plan

Budget 2024-2025

Our budget for the financial year (starting on 1st April) is formally approved, in advance, by Members at February’s Authority Meeting. It sets out the resources expected to be available and how those resources are to be spent in the forthcoming year. Prior to the presentation of this report a number of financial planning reports may be taken to earlier Authority meetings

Budget Archive

Outturns 2023-2024

The outturn report shows the actual income and expenditure position at the end of the financial year (31 March) and is reported to the Authority Meeting in the May/June meeting following the end of the financial year.

Treasury Management Policy and Prudential Code Indicators

This report is approved by Members at the March Authority Meeting in advance of the financial year starting on 1 April and sets out the parameters within which the Authority’s investing and borrowing activities will be conducted in the forthcoming year.


2023-2024 Statement of Accounts

The Authority is required to produce a Statement of Accounts as at the end of March each year. These Accounts represent a true and fair view of the Authority's financial position at the end of the financial year, give details of income and expenditure within the year and are certified by the Authority's Chief Finance Officer.

Accounts archive

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