Frequently asked questions

Pedal Peak for business grants - FAQs
Will the grant pay for maintenance?
Sorry no, it’s just for capital expenditure. That means the funds can be used by a business to upgrade physical assets such as property and / or purchase fixed equipment. It can also be used to undertake new projects or additional services by the business to enhance the cyclists welcome.
Will Pedal Peak project be creating new routes?
No, the new Pedal Peak Business Initiative will be developing a cycle friendly business toolkit alongside the introduction of a Cyclists Welcome scheme and support and advice for businesses. The project will be promoting leisure cycling routes to help people discover the joys of cycling in the Peak District.
Why is the project area just Derbyshire?
The government stipulates which areas can benefit from funding at the outset aligned to Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) areas, and we have no option to override or change these decisions. Beneficiaries of the Growing and Developing the Visitor Economy Sector in Derbyshire programme will be SME’s from a targeted area within Derbyshire as part of the D2N2 LEP. There may well be similar funding programmes in your LEP area. In Staffordshire for instance Destination Staffordshire provides a programme of business support for all types of tourism provider, including funding, roadshows, and specialist coaching.
We're a new business and don't have 12 months of accounts. Can we apply now?
One of our outputs is to support new businesses. We recognise it's not possible to have a 12 month history for every new business. If you don’t yet have accounts then a simple page showing your income and expenditure will suffice. If relevant, and you can obtain the accounts from the previous owners, then that would be helpful to submit with the application form.
What is an SME?
SME stands for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise. Companies Act SME Definition requires that for a business to be an SME two out of three of these characteristics are met:
turnover is less than £25m
employees are less than 250
gross assets are less than £12.5m.
Why is the total project size £1000 as a £500 contribution is a lot for a small business?
The advisory minimum grant value of £500 is set by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (formerly the Department for Communities and Local Government) who administer the ERDF fund. They have advised that a minimum grant of £500 can now be awarded if the business receives 12 hours of business support, which includes attending Pedal Peak workshops and events.
What is a cycle friendly business toolkit?
It is an information pack containing useful facts and advice and is designed for any tourism business who wants to find out more about how to welcome cyclists and the associated benefits.
What is a self-accredited Cyclists Welcome scheme?
We are looking at introducing a Peak District Cyclist Welcome accreditation which will be for local accommodation providers, visitor attractions, cafes, pubs, tea room and restaurants. Businesses will self-assess whether they meet the agreed criteria and those that do can display a Cyclist Approved logo at their establishment and online. The scheme will provide cyclists with the confidence that these businesses meet their particular needs, allowing them to enjoy a hassle free trip and are more likely to return.
Could it cover the cost of replacing a stile with a gate on a concessionary route or public right of way that bikes can use?
If the route enhances the existing public network and is safe and convenient for cyclists to use then fixed equipment such as a gate may be considered if it improves the cyclist’s experience and has the landowner's permission.
Will it cover the cost of creating a car parking area for a disabled adapted bike user?
Sorry this is unlikely to be covered as it would need to demonstrate it was primarily for this purpose not just a general car park area for all guests to use.
What evidence is there to demonstrate the strong economic benefits which can be achieved from attracting more cyclists?
Cycle tourists spend more than average and tourist cycle facilities are said to have a very strong payback in terms of local economic spend. Cycle tourists on average spend more than users of most other types of transport: around 9% per head per trip, or around £81 per head per trip. Read the full report.
Can we claim for a vehicle or trailer?
Sorry, mobile equipment such as vehicles and trailers are not eligible ERDF expenditure.
Can we claim for toilets and / or showers to attract more cyclists to our campsite?
Sorry that doesn’t fit within the remit of the scheme and would be for all customers to use on the site (not specifically cyclists).
Does it have to be cash match?
Yes it does. Businesses need to provide 50% of the total project costs. In-kind contributions eg business owner and / or employee time are not eligible ERDF expenditure.
Can I buy my bike racks / equipment second hand?
Sorry purchase of second hand equipment is not eligible ERDF expenditure.
I have a bike shop why can’t I apply?
Sorry currently ERDF guidance states retail businesses are not eligible to apply:
"Capital investment in land buildings or infrastructure of any nature for use and/or occupation by retail businesses is not eligible. The general principle is that support for retail facilities will not assist economic development and that improved performance for one facility is regarded as displacing similar activity elsewhere. Nevertheless, ERDF can be used to supplement similar activities but where it is not exclusively targeted at the retail sector."
What other business funding and support opportunities are available?
Business Peak District is a single voice for businesses in the area covered by the Peak District National Park, High Peak, Staffordshire Moorlands and Derbyshire Dales.
Members can make use of the Inspired By the Peak District brand and logo. The logo promotes the location and sense of place.
There are various opportunities for business grants currently available.
If your business is in the Derbyshire Dales you could get free advice from Heather Bradford
Visit England have pulled together an overview of current funding opportunities aimed specifically at helping small businesses
If you are an SME in Derbyshire or Nottinghamshire you can call the D2N2 Growth Hub helpline for free, impartial business advice telephone 0333 006 9178. Check their list of other local funding for businesses.
How can I get recognition for my green credentials?
You may like to find out more about the Environmental Quality Mark (EQM) which offers support with finding green solutions and recognition for your business.
And finally... check out these ten common questions about cycling.