Stanage and North Lees management plan

Options for Stanage North Lees – what you told us
During the winter and early spring of 2020 we asked for your views on some suggested options for the National Park’s Stanage North Lees Estate.
If you completed the online questionnaire or participated in one of our workshops then thank you for your help. The consultation has provided a useful guide to our next steps in this process.
We've analysed all of your responses and brought all of the feedback together in a report which can be viewed here. We hoped to publish this earlier but the Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on priorities, meaning this piece of work has been delayed, but we're now keen to progress further.
We’ve got a lot more work to do now to refine the options in light of your feedback and looking at the financial analysis in more detail. We hope to have a more developed proposal for consideration later in the year.
All links are PDF documents
- Options for Stanage North Lees Estate - public consultation (1.8MB)
- Map showing the location of assets (6.6MB)
- Appendix 1 - Investment option (221KB)
- Appendix 2 - Arms-length management option (286KB)
- Appendix 3 - Reduced liabilities option (219KB)
- Appendix 4 - Online questionnaire (701KB)
- Appendix 5 - Analysis of statements from Staff and Member workshop (732KB)
- Appendix 6 - Analysis of statements from Stanage Forum workshop (606KB)
Previous management plan
A 10 year management plan for Stanage and North Lees was produced in 2002 in partnership with Stanage Forum.