Green fields highlighted by sunrays through heavy clouds from Curbar Edge

Events listing

Public Events

Events listed below have agreed to follow our code of conduct and guidance but have not been checked or approved by the Peak District National Park Authority.

You can also view a list of recent events from the past 90 days.

If you consider that any of these events are not following this guidance please call our customer services team on 01629 816200 or email

Your National Park is a protected landscape providing spectacular views, iconic wildlife, fascinating archaeology and beautiful moorland villages. From walking, fell running and climbing to air sports, cycling or simply enjoying peace and quiet reflection surrounded by nature, the area offers many opportunities for outdoor recreation that are beneficial to health and well-being.

Interest in such activities has grown enormously in recent years and an increasing number of commercial organisations and charities now organise large scale events within the National Park.

Want your event listed?  Follow our guidance to get started.


Matlock Skyline Challenge

Fundraising challenge walk to raise funds for Derby Mountain Rescue Team (charity). Starts and finishes in Matlock and traverses the high ground ("skyline") around Matlock/Darley Dale
Walk event by Derby Mountain Rescue Team
Fee: £25 opens in new tab

Great Hucklow Fell Race

The great Hucklow Fell Race is a 10 km running race for up to 250 people across private land in the Great Hucklow area. Parking is within the village of Great Hucklow, with toliets provided at the school.
Running event by Great Hucklow Fell RAce
Fee: £10 opens in new tab

Goyt Valley 10k

10 Kilometre Trail run in the Goyt Valley, organised by the Goyt Valley Striders running club who are based in Whaley Bridge. The route follows rights of way and is 'valley' based rather than on Moorland.
Running event by Goyt Valley Striders
Fee: £6 opens in new tab


Music groups , food and drinks . . Stalls and activities. Kids entertainment
Festival event by
Fee: £10 opens in new tab

Salt Cellar Fell Race

Race registration at Fairholmes Upper Derwent Visitors Centre car park and race start below the dam Wall of Upper Derwent reservoir up steps next to the dam and then up to Salt Cellar Boulder and back. Register Fell running association race.
Running event by Steel City Striders
Fee: £10 opens in new tab

The Peak Skyline

Peak Skyline 50k Half Skyline 13 miles Trail races which have operated every year since 2013, hosted 1st weekend of August. We usually email Andy Farmer, Sue Smith each year with the request and past donations. Start and end at Buxton Community School
Running event by Beyond Marathon Ltd
Fee: £35 opens in new tab

The Gritstone Grind

35, 69 and 104 mile trail running events following the Gritstone Trail between Kidsgrove and Disley train stations. Held every year since 2013
Running event by Beyond Marathon Ltd
Fee: £34 opens in new tab

Peak District Challenge by Wilderness Development

Chose to run or trek from 25km up to a 100km Ultra Marathon. 4 circular routes, linked by public rights of way, between off-road checkpoints. Max entries: 450
Walk event by Wilderness Development Adventures Ltd
Fee: £49 opens in new tab

Edale MRT Nine Edges Endurance Event

A 20 mile off road event from Fairholmes to Birchen Edge with about 900 metres of height gain. Run, walk or climb it is up to you. All follow the same route but climbers do a route of their choice on each of the nine gritstone edges.
Running event by Edale Mountain Rescue Team
Fee: £30 opens in new tab

High Peak Ultra 70/100km

Great value, low-key, big-enjoyment, trail running. Generous, achievable walk-jog, 24 hour timing. Fast, straightforward course for athletes going for places and times. On course & race finish refreshments. Sweeper and finish pacing runners.
Running event by Ranger Ultras Trail Running
Fee: £45 opens in new tab

Peak District South & North Trail Run

A grand weekend of great-value, low-key, big-enjoyment, trail running, with accommodation options, Iconic routes, generous timings, now in our 9th year
Running event by Ranger Ultras Trail Running
Fee: £89 opens in new tab

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