Our land and property

Our property/land portfolio is spread throughout the national park and includes offices, workshops, ranger briefing and visitor centres, volunteers centres, woodlands, campsites, former railway lines used as recreational trails, and car parks. We have included property and land that we own and occupy as tenants under leases or tenancies, or that we manage under other arrangements.
Property List
In line with the Local Government Transparency Code we publish a list of our property and land interests on an annual basis
We occupy property under three forms of tenure, (means of ownership or occupation)
- Freehold – we own the asset
- Leasehold – we are the tenant or joint tenant under a long or short-term lease or periodic tenancy, or we are a licensee under a licence which does not amount to a formal interest in the land or property
- Managed – we solely or jointly occupy or manage under an agreement which does not give us a formal interest in the land or property, or we manage the site in a non-corporate capacity, for example as a trustee.
Please see the link Land and Property for current data
What is 'in hand land'
Some of our land is defined as 'in hand land' which refers to land that is 'in the hands of’ the landlord on a rural estate. It is often let on a licence agreement to a farmer for the purpose of seasonal grazing or mowing. The farmer will not have security of tenure on the land and, as such, the landlord can take the land ‘back in hand’ to use themselves. Much of our ‘in hand land’ is on the Warslow Moors Estate in the South West Peak
The list will be reviewed annually, however, may be revised periodically based on changes occurring within the year.
Please note that we are currently reviewing and updating the system used to extract the list of our land and property interests. We are undertaking the review and update to ensure that the information we hold is comprehensive, accurate and up to date. We expect to be able to publish a new list by the end of October. If you have any questions regarding our land and property then please contact our Customer and Business Support Team on the email below.
For more information about any of the sites on the list please contact our Customer and Business Support Team at customer.service@peakdistrict.gov.uk