Communities small grant scheme

What is it for?
The grant is to help residents with plans and projects for their own community, especially those that also help to look after the National Park’s special qualities.
Who can apply?
Applicants must be a parish council or a formally constituted community group with a bank account. Exceptionally the grant may be awarded to a business or private individual if the project is of demonstrable benefit to the wider community and helps to look after the National Park’s special qualities.
How much is available?
We will pay up to 50% of project costs, to a maximum grant of £750. There is no minimum.
What can the grant be spent on?
This is a small grant designed to help residents get started with developing plans and projects for their own community. The grant may also be awarded as contribution to a large scale, long term project. Any project that benefits the community, and/or helps to look after the National Park’s special qualities is eligible. For example we will fund costs associated with:
- writing a village plan, such as room hire, materials, printing
- looking after community owned/run green spaces and buildings
- developing and running a community initiative such as allotments, community shop/pub, broadband, old folk’s lunch club, play area, sports club
- undertaking practical conservation such as walling and tree planting
How to apply?
Discuss your needs with our Community Policy Planner, Clare Wilkins on 01629 816204, or email for an application pack.
How will applications be evaluated?
Scheme funding is limited so applications will be evaluated by the project administrator and the Head of Planning Service on the basis of how best they meet the following criteria:
- demonstrable benefit to the wider community
- helps to look after the National Park’s special qualities
- delivers value for money
- deliverability.
We reserve the right not to award any grant or all of our Scheme funding. If demand for the grant exceeds the total amount available we reserve the right to reduce the maximum payable. We will monitor the spread of payments across the National Park to ensure a fair geographical spread.