Conservation areas

A Conservation Area is defined as "an area of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance" (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas - Planning Act 1990).
The aim of Conservation Area designation is to ensure that this character is not destroyed or undermined by inappropriate changes.
There are 109 Conservation Areas in the Peak District National Park.
Each Conservation Area has a unique character shaped by a combination of elements including buildings, materials, spaces, trees, street plan, history and economic background.
The Authority is under a duty to formulate and publish proposals for the preservation and enhancement of Conservation Areas within the Peak District National Park.
Special planning rules apply to conservation areas. Planning officers take an area's special character into account when considering a planning application.
What does it mean if my property is within a conservation area?
Planning permission is required for the demolition of (most) buildings in a conservation area. This extends to walls and other features.
Planning officers will look at whether the loss of the building - and any redevelopment proposals - would serve the interests of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the conservation area. If approval is given, there will often be a clause or condition in the approval which requires a contract for redevelopment to be in place before the demolition is undertaken. This prevents unsightly gaps opening up in conservation areas for long periods of time.
Planning applications for development which would in the opinion of Planning Officers affect the character or appearance of the Conservation Area must be given publicity. Representations received as a result of the publicity will then be taken in to account in determination of the application.
Trees in conservation areas are given special protection because of their contribution to the special qualities of a conservation area. The Authority must be given six weeks' notice of the intention to carry out work on a tree (including cutting down, topping, lopping, uprooting, and so on). Within that period, the Authority can consider whether to make a Tree Preservation Order (TPO).
Is my house in a conservation area?
Enter your postcode or street in the below search box to find out if your property is in a conservation area.
Land and properties within a Conservation Area are highlighted in yellow.
If you need help or have any questions please contact our Customer Service team on 01629 816200 or email
Conservation Area Appraisals
Local Authorities have a duty to review Conservation Areas from time to time. The preparation, publication and formal adoption of Conservation Area Appraisals forms part of this process.
Appraisals are being carried out, and in some instances reviewed, for each of the Peak District National Park's 109 Conservation Areas.